Zhejiang Deli machine Manufacture Co., Ltd.---NEWS 2023-09-13T14:06:18Z Dreamweaver http://en.zjdljc.com/en/atom/atom_news.xml Zhejiang Deli machine Manufacture Co., Ltd.(http://en.zjdljc.com/) <![CDATA[Installation and Testing of Sawing Machine]]> http://en.zjdljc.com/en/news/42.htm 2023-09-13T14:03:11Z 2023-09-13T14:03:11Z 1、 The hydraulic oil on the sawing machine should be added sufficiently, and a layer of engine oil should be applied to the sliding and rotating parts.
2、 Install the saw belt on the band saw machine, adjust the tightening device (rotate the left handle of the saw frame) to tighten the saw belt to the appropriate level, and adjust the travel switch contact to just touch the stopper, which is in the open state.
3、 Add enough coolant to the cooling water tank.
4、 After completing the above preparation work, connect the power supply and ensure that the grounding is standard and reliable. Turn on the power switch (on the electrical control box), start the saw test run, correct the wiring according to the direction indicated on the label, and listen for its normal sound. During operation, make the saw bow automatically lower, so that the saw band drops 0.5~1mm below the workbench. When the limit switch head collides with a collision block, it will automatically rise. Whether to automatically stop when reaching the limit position height, and conduct three consecutive experiments. During operation, adjust the tension device to be in a relaxed state, make the travel switch contact leave the collision block, power off and shut down, and conduct three consecutive experiments.
5、 Check the lifting and lowering oil cylinder devices, check whether the saw bow is lifted and lowered reliably and flexibly.
6、 Check the clamping and loosening oil cylinder devices, check whether the clamping is reliable and whether the loosening is flexible.
7、 Adjust the speed control knob to run at 1st gear (low speed) and then at 2nd gear (high speed), and repeat the experiment three times.
8、 After the power switch of the main motor is turned on, the water pump starts correspondingly and the cooling system operates normally. Debug the valve and check if the coolant is smooth.
9、 After completing the above preparation work, clamp and lock the material for trial sawing.
Zhejiang Deli machine Manufacture Co., Ltd.(http://en.zjdljc.com/) <![CDATA[Working Principle of Sawing Machine]]> http://en.zjdljc.com/en/news/41.htm 2023-06-28T14:02:00Z 2023-06-28T14:02:00Z The hydraulic transmission system consists of a hydraulic circuit composed of components such as pumps, valves, oil cylinders, oil tanks, pipelines, etc. It completes the lifting of the saw beam and the clamping of the workpiece under electrical control. Through the speed control valve, stepless speed control of the feed rate can be implemented to meet the needs of sawing different materials of workpieces. The electrical control system consists of a control circuit consisting of an electrical box, control box, junction box, travel switch, electromagnet, etc., used to control the rotation of the saw blade, lifting of the saw beam, clamping of the workpiece, etc., to achieve normal cutting cycles according to a certain working program.
Before starting the lubrication system, oil must be added according to the requirements of the lubrication parts of the machine tool (wire brush shaft, worm gear box, active bearing seat, worm bearing, upper and lower shafts of the lifting oil cylinder, and clamping screw of the sliding surface of the movable vice). The worm gear and worm in the worm gear box are lubricated by a 30 # engine oil bath, which is injected through the oil plug hole in the upper part of the worm gear box. The box surface is equipped with an oil mark. When the saw beam is in the lowest position, the oil level should be between the upper and lower limits of the oil mark. After one month of trial use, the oil should be changed. Afterwards, the oil should be changed every 3-6 months. There is an oil drain plug at the bottom of the worm gear box.
The saw blade drive is installed on the worm gear box, and the electric motor drives the worm and worm gear inside the worm gear box through a belt pulley and triangular tape, driving the driving wheel to rotate, and then driving the saw blade around the active/passive wheel rim for cutting and rotating motion. The feed motion of the saw blade is controlled by a hydraulic circulation system composed of a lifting oil cylinder and a speed regulating valve, which controls the lowering speed of the saw beam and thus controls the feed (stepless speed regulation) motion of the saw blade. The saw brush rotates at the place where the saw blade produces chips and rotates in the direction of the saw blade. The cooling pump provides coolant for cleaning and removes chips from the teeth. The coolant is located in the cutting fluid tank on the right side of the base, directly driven by a water pump to supply the coolant.
Press the emergency stop (stop) button, rotate clockwise, the oil pump motor works, the gear pump works, and the oil enters the pipeline through the filter screen. Adjust the overflow valve to ensure that the system working pressure meets the requirements. On the contrary, if the button is pressed inward, all motors will stop working. Press the clamp button to clamp the workpiece, the electromagnetic valve operates, and hydraulic oil enters the left side of the clamp cylinder. The right hydraulic oil returns to the oil tank, and the left clamp clamps the workpiece.
When the saw beam descends, press the working clamp, and hydraulic oil enters the rod chamber of the lifting cylinder through the electromagnetic valve; The hydraulic oil in the rodless chamber returns to the oil tank through a solenoid valve and a one-way speed control valve. Press the lowering button for the quick lowering of the saw beam, and the hydraulic pressure works through the solenoid valve. The oil enters the rod chamber of the lifting cylinder, while the oil without the rod chamber returns to the oil tank through the solenoid valve. Press the up button when the saw beam rises, and hydraulic oil enters the rodless chamber of the lifting cylinder through the electromagnetic valve; The oil in the rod chamber returns to the tank through the solenoid valve. Press the clamp release button to release the workpiece, and hydraulic oil enters the right side of the clamping cylinder through the electromagnetic valve; The left hydraulic oil can return to the oil tank through the solenoid valve, and the left jaw moves to the left to release the workpiece.
The analog input and output module of the system makes the monitoring of the sawing process widely meaningful. For example, as long as the feedback of saw blade deformation is added to the sawing machine, the sawing speed can be adaptively adjusted. By adding a servo valve, the speed and position control of the sawing process can be optimized. The management function of the system makes the management of materials and workpieces more convenient. The Chinese interface of the system and real-time graphical status display make the operation more user-friendly and intuitive.
Zhejiang Deli machine Manufacture Co., Ltd.(http://en.zjdljc.com/) <![CDATA[Mechanical classification of sawing machines]]> http://en.zjdljc.com/en/news/40.htm 2023-03-17T14:00:00Z 2023-03-17T14:00:00Z Circular sawing machine
Circular saw machine, also known as circular saw machine, is divided into fully automatic and semi-automatic. The circular saw blade undergoes a rotating cutting motion while also following the feed motion of the saw blade box (see figure). Circular saw machines are divided into three types according to the feed direction of the saw blade: horizontal (horizontal feed), vertical (vertical feed), and pendulum (swing feed around a pivot point). In addition, there are various specialized circular sawing machines, such as the shaking head sawing machine used for cutting large casting sprues and risers; Saw and drill joint machine tool for rail cutting and drilling.
Band saw machine
The circular saw belt is tensioned on two saw wheels and is driven by the saw wheel for cutting. There are two main types of band sawing machines: vertical and horizontal. The saw frame of a vertical band saw machine is vertically set, and the workpiece moves during cutting to cut the curve contour of the sheet metal and formed parts. The saw belt can also be replaced with a file chain or sand belt for filing or polishing. The saw frame of a horizontal band saw machine is arranged horizontally or obliquely, feeding in a vertical direction or swinging around a pivot point. The saw band is generally twisted 40 ° to maintain the saw teeth perpendicular to the workpiece. Horizontal sawing machines can be divided into scissor type, double column type, and single column type; According to usage, it can be divided into manual type (economical manual feeding and manual cutting of materials) and automatic type; According to the automation program using the controller, it can be divided into manual type (semi-automatic manual feeding) and fully automatic type (automatic feeding and automatic cutting)
Hacksaw machine
The saw bow equipped with a saw blade moves back and forth, feeding by swinging the saw frame around a pivot point. The machine tool has a simple structure, small volume, but low efficiency. There are two types of motion trajectories for the saw blade of a hacksaw machine: straight and curved. When moving in an arc, the saw bow swings around a pivot point for a small angle, and each tooth has a larger cutting amount, which makes it easy to remove debris and has higher efficiency. This method is mostly used in modern hacksaw machines.
Zhejiang Deli machine Manufacture Co., Ltd.(http://en.zjdljc.com/) <![CDATA[Introduction of band sawing machine]]> http://en.zjdljc.com/en/news/24.htm 2020-03-18T11:22:51Z 2020-03-18T11:22:51Z Zhejiang Deli machine Manufacture Co., Ltd.(http://en.zjdljc.com/) <![CDATA[Happy New Year 2020 from Zhejiang Deli machine Manufacture Co., Ltd.]]> http://en.zjdljc.com/en/news/22.htm 2020-01-15T11:05:14Z 2020-01-15T11:05:14Z Through the joy of the year of pig, usher in the glory of the year of rat.

Tell the happy time and listen to the new year's singing.

Build the palace of career and enhance the strength of bones.

Taste the fragrance of love and bathe in the light of fortune.

The year of the rat is coming.Zhejiang Deli machine Manufacture Co., Ltd.
I wish you success in your career.

Zhejiang Deli machine Manufacture Co., Ltd.(http://en.zjdljc.com/) <![CDATA[Warmly celebrate the success of Zhejiang Deli machine Manufacture Co., Ltd.]]> http://en.zjdljc.com/en/news/15.htm 2018-03-19T20:29:00Z 2018-03-19T20:29:00Z    Warmly celebrate the success of Zhejiang Deli machine Manufacture Co., Ltd. 

    After friendly consultation, Zhejiang Deli machine Manufacture Co., Ltd. and@JCSWTo achieve cooperation!    

Zhejiang Deli machine Manufacture Co., Ltd.(http://en.zjdljc.com/) <![CDATA[Companies are bullish on China machine tool market prospects]]> http://en.zjdljc.com/en/news/12.htm 2018-03-02T20:29:00Z 2018-03-02T20:29:00Z   All along, foreign machine tool in China is one of the important components of machine tool industry in China. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, China's machine tool industry more than 4,000 enterprises, Hong Kong, Macao and foreign holding enterprises in the proportion of more than 10%. One of the main factories in China has a direct operation of Germany's DMG, Sly Fulin, Japan's Mitsubishi Motors, Sodick, the United States Hardinge, Haas, Sweden, the mountains of Victoria, Mountain High, South Korea's Doosan and other enterprises. These enterprises in the domestic access to labor, the market has also brought a large number of funds and technical support for the development of domestic machine tool market has made a great contribution.


    Although the past few years have been affected by the global economic downturn, China's machine tool market has suffered a lot of problems such as sluggish market and slow development. But in 2017 a year, China's machine tool market overall is warmed up, the total demand decline to slow down, stabilize, there is a trend to enter the bottom, and rapid upgrading of demand structure, numerical control, automation, intelligence and high-precision processing and manufacturing technology quickly occupy the leading position of consumption. In this case, foreign companies have expressed a bullish outlook for China's machine tool market, and strengthened the localization of the layout.

At the beginning of this year, Germany's high-end manufacturing Enterprises Esville Machine Tool Co., Ltd. to actively layout the Chinese market. After seeing the rapid development and important location advantage of Chongqing Yongchuan area in recent years, Esville machine tool invested in the construction machine tool production base project in Yongchuan, hoping to further widen the road of enterprise development. Esville's strategic layout in China illustrates its emphasis on the Chinese market and its bullish outlook on China's future market.

  It is not only the case that giant companies are actively stationed in the Chinese market, but not long ago, the German EMAG Group also announced the establishment of Chongqing Machinery Co., Ltd., which is the second market and Technology Service Company of EMAG Group in China.

"China is the biggest and most potential market," Dr. Schmidt, of DMG machine tool company, said in an interview, "to truly explore the Asian market, we must choose the most important market in China." "To this end, DMG adjust the strategic focus of the Asia-Pacific region, the Asia-Pacific headquarters from the original Singapore relocated to Shanghai, China."

In the past 2017 years, the overall business situation of foreign companies in China is better. According to the data, 2017 in China, most of the foreign companies are harvested quite abundant, many enterprises to achieve 30-50% growth. Among them, Siemens performance in 2017 overall growth of 40%, high-end product business soared 60%, Mitsubishi Motors and the company's 2017 business in China grew 30% and 40% respectively. In machine tool mainframe enterprise, DMG Mori and Mazak both achieved a good growth in 2017, the former even reached the peak in recent years, the growth of 30%;abb's business in China soared more than 30%, January 2018 orders have reached 2017 1-2 quarter level. From the profit of foreign companies, China's machine tool market is now in the recovery of growth stage, the follow-up development should be more clear.

 Overall, machine tool foreign enterprises in the future development of China's machine tool market optimism, on the one hand, from the Chinese market itself has great potential and attractiveness, on the other hand, in high-end manufacturing technology accounted for consumer dominance, the domestic machine tool companies lack of obvious competitiveness, so that foreign companies to get more opportunities. Therefore, in the promotion of technological upgrading, speed up structural adjustment, enhance competitiveness of domestic enterprises also need to work hard.

Zhejiang Deli machine Manufacture Co., Ltd.(http://en.zjdljc.com/) <![CDATA[Zhejiang Deli machine Manufacture Co., Ltd. I wish you a happy New Year!]]> http://en.zjdljc.com/en/news/14.htm 2018-02-20T20:29:00Z 2018-02-20T20:29:00Z     Years in the flow, a leaf of the old month to go, time wandering, a new round of sunrise; The coming of the new year, our footsteps stepped into another year, in this warm and happy days, send the most sincere blessings and deep thoughts; Zhejiang Deli machine Tool Co., Ltd I wish you all the best in the new year, the old one, and everything!

Zhejiang Deli machine Manufacture Co., Ltd.(http://en.zjdljc.com/) <![CDATA[China machine tool industry enters new development cycle]]> http://en.zjdljc.com/en/news/13.htm 2018-02-01T02:02:00Z 2018-02-01T02:02:00Z     China machine Tool Industry Association recently announced in Shanghai, in 2017, China's metal processing machine tool market sales amounted to 29.9 billion U.S. dollars, compared to the previous year, an increase of 7.5%.

    Mao, executive vice president of China Machine Tool Industry Association, machine Tool is one of the core industries of equipment manufacturing industry, and it plays an important role in the global manufacturing resource allocation. In 2017, China's machine tool sales showed a significant recovery growth, indicating that in the structural upgrading, China's machine tool industry is entering a new development cycle of moderate growth, for domestic and foreign machine tool manufacturing enterprises to create new opportunities for development.

    According to China Machine Tool Industry Association statistics, in 2017, China's metal processing machine tool exports 3.29 billion U.S. dollars, imports 8.74 billion U.S. dollars, the year-on-year growth of 11.4% and 16.3%, the trade deficit of 5.45 billion U.S. dollars, a significant increase of 33.5%. This shows that China's related manufacturing industry with the pace of upgrading, the foreign advanced machine tool demand for strong growth.

    In the toolMeasuring field, in 2017, China's market sales amounted to 4.82 billion U.S. dollars, up 20.2% from the previous year. From the import and export situation, China's tool and measuring tools exports 2.79 billion U.S. dollars, imports 1.81 billion U.S. dollars, the year-on-year growth of 8.1% and 21.5% respectively, rose by 8.9 and 22.1% respectively in 2016, the characteristics of recovery growth is more obvious, especially in the high-end measuring tool imports of large growth most prominent.

    China Machine Tool Industry association Secretary-General Wang Liming that, with the global information interconnection led by the new round of industrial revolution, manufacturing is experiencing from automation and digital manufacturing to synergy and intelligent manufacturing evolution, the global machine tool industry faces a full range of profound changes. Today, the machine tool industry is focusing on digitalization, automation, and connectivity, information data and other key directions to carry out research, promote and realize intelligent manufacturing.

    From April 9 to 13th this year, China Machine Tool Industry Association will host China in ShanghaiCNC machine tool exhibition. The exhibition has a total area of 120,000 square meters, up to now, there are more than 1200 machine tool industry manufacturers from 23 countries and regions registered for exhibitors, of which more than 500 overseas exhibitors, exhibition area of the total area of 40%, than the previous increase of nearly 5%, The foreign enterprises ' attention to the Chinese market and the participation degree are further improved.

Zhejiang Deli machine Manufacture Co., Ltd.(http://en.zjdljc.com/) <![CDATA[Machine tool foreign companies are bullish on "on" on "s Machine]]> http://en.zjdljc.com/en/news/11.htm 2016-07-14T15:57:00Z 2016-07-14T15:57:00Z     Company specializing in the production of "well have to do" brand series of metal band Sawing machine and series of surface grinder, machine tools complete, novel and unique, efficient and energy-saving, with a greater cost-performance advantage, is the national quality and technical supervision over the years to stabilize qualified products. One of the high-speed thin metal band sawing machine by the National Science and Technology Innovation Fund project support, CNC tilting vertical band sawing machine by the National invention Patent, multi-functional surface grinder by the province of High-tech products identified.

  • 2009 "Pneumatic automatic horizontal band sawing machine" by the Provincial Science and technology Department of Major Science and technology project development.

  • 2011 GBR Graphite Circular Sawing machine was awarded the provincial-level industrial new product project development.

  • Another 1 inventions were accepted in 2011. To date, the company has 1 patents for inventions, 1 patents to accept, 12 new practical patent licensing, 2 of the appearance of patent licensing.

Zhejiang Deli machine Manufacture Co., Ltd.(http://en.zjdljc.com/) <![CDATA[Our company received the 2008 brand-name products manufacturers recognition]]> http://en.zjdljc.com/en/news/16.htm 2016-07-14T04:02:00Z 2016-07-14T04:02:00Z   In recent years, Lishui in-depth implementation of brand name and standardization Strategy, to guide the production enterprises to give full play to the resources and geographical comparative advantage, accelerate the pace of brand cultivation and quality promotion, the city has emerged a number of well-known and has a clear competitive advantage of brand-name products, effectively promote the economy and rapid development.

  2008, Zhejiang Deli machine Tool Manufacturing Co., Ltd. "Well have a good force" series of metal band Sawing machine was identified as Zhejiang brand-name products, in order to vigorously promote and promote brand-name products, and further mobilize the vast number of enterprises and the Community to actively participate in supporting Lishui implementation of brand strategy, the city government has
